Paccar Air Dryer Maintenance & Replacement – Maintenance Monthly

Website Graphic Maintenance Monthly May 2024

Paccar Air Dryer Maintenance & Replacement

Paccar recommends replacing the oil-coalescing air dryer yearly, regardless of mileage.


Daily: The supply and service air tanks, must be drained on a daily basis. Operate air devices daily to circulate lubricants within the unit.


Failure to properly maintain air system can cause warranty to be denied.


Air Dryer

The function of the air dryer is to collect and remove air system contaminants in solid, liquid and vapor form before they enter the brake system. It provides clean, dry air to the components of the brake system, which increases the life of the system and reduces maintenance costs.


  • Every 900 operating hours or 25,000 miles (40,200 km) or every three (3) months check for moisture in the air brake system by opening air tanks, drain cocks, or valves and checking for presence of water.
  • A tablespoon of water found in the air tank would point to the need for a desiccant cartridge change. However, the following conditions can also cause water accumulation and should be considered before replacing the desiccant cartridge:
    • Air usage is exceptionally high and not normal for a highway vehicle.
    • In areas where more than a 30° F (17° C) range of temperature occurs in one day, small amounts of water can accumulate in the air brake system due to condensation. Under these conditions, the presence of small amounts of moisture is normal and should not be considered as an indication that the dryer is not performing properly.

Air Tanks

  • Daily: The supply and service air tanks, must be drained on a daily basis. Operate air devices daily to circulate lubricants within the unit
  • Periodically: Clean filter screens ahead of the valves by removing the screens and soaking them in solvent. Blow them dry with pressurized air before reinstalling them.

Please keep the following warnings in mind.

Air Dryer Warnings


Have any questions? Reach out to your local Kenworth of Pennsylvania branch to learn more!